Friday, June 1, 2012

June Is Here!!!

Why is this exciting? There's a few reasons. One: It's my favorite month of the year. Summer is almost here and it meant summer break as a kid. Two: It's my anniversary month. My husband and I married on June 7th four years. We usually do something fun every year, and this year we are going to Sacramento to Water World with his sister and her husband. And I get to see old friends and my sister whom I haven't seen in years! Needless to say, next weekend is going to be a blast. And three: I get to weigh myself after 6 weeks of not knowing my weight.

At the end of April I promised to not weigh myself until June 1st after not stepping on the scale for about a week already. It has been so great not knowing my weight! Us women tend to obsess over the number the scale flashes at us. I have been telling myself "Today I feel like I weigh XXX." And so it would be, because I believed it. In a way I made my own reality with how much I weighed, and I have to say it has been freeing.

This morning I woke up, excited to know the true number that my body weighs. When I stepped on the scale I was shocked, to say the least. I had lost 10 pounds. Now, I did have the stomach flu for the first half of May, but I also didn't start eating healthy again until this Monday. What I'm afraid happened was that I lost all the muscle I built during P90X, and instead of being happy that I lost 10 pounds, I'm pretty sad about it.

Now, I could go measure myself, but I'm not sure how much good that would do. If I did lose muscle then wouldn't my measurements still show a loss in inches? I'm unsure. But I'll do it anyway. In fact, I'll go do it now.

My arms are the same, however, I lost a total of 3.4 inches. Once inch from my chest, 1 inch from my waist, 1 inch from my hips, and .2 inches from each thigh. Because I gained weight and inches from not doing P90X, I am now back to where I was when I last did P90X, only lighter with less muscle. Happy and sad at the same time. My ultimate goal is to be very toned, not fit into certain size jeans.

What are your fitness goals?

1 comment:

  1. Yay for June and congrats on the progress! I've nominated you for a few little blog awards on my site. Hope you like them:)


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