Wednesday, July 18, 2012

100% Me

Who would you be if you lived alone in the woods? Would you be the same person you are today with television, social media, the Internet, celebrities and your friends and family to influence you? I know I wouldn’t.

Last night I kept thinking about who I really am, aside from the color nail polish I choose, or what kinds of clothes I decide to wear, or how I do my hair. It all sounds shallow, but us women know the pressures of being as beautiful as other women. Even though I’m not high maintenance, I still feel like maybe I try too hard. Who would I be if it was just my family and I in the woods?
I would definitely be weirder, because I wouldn’t care as much what others thought of me. My voice would be stronger, more affirmative in my decisions. I’d feel 100% beautiful, because I wouldn’t have photos surrounding me of beautiful models with long blonde hair who have “perfect” abs and legs. I would feel sufficient. I’d be happier with my body, my face, my choices, my actions and reactions.
I want to be that girl. I want to be me 100%. I don’t want all these photos and ideas of who I should be. I don’t want to follow a “style” that changes every 6 months. I don’t want to be labeled or categorized or compared.
So you know what? I won’t. I will be free from my fears of thoughts of others. From now on I will strive to be me 100% of the time. And even though many of us girls think we already are, we aren’t. Imagine yourself without the pressures of society. It’s freeing, isn’t it?