Last night while doing what I do best (pinteresting), I came across the fact that fiber makes you feel full longer. My diet hardly includes an ounce of fiber, and considering my endless pit of a stomach recently, I decided to give fiber a try. So this morning, while filling my fancy shmancy Total Nutrition shaker with my Alkalizing Fuel (on day 2 now), I added a tablespoon of
Citrucel to it that we happened to have in the cabinet. Usually I can finish my cup of oatmeal, but this morning I couldn't even finish half of it. That once forgotten feeling of a full stomach came back, and I was thrilled. Aside from the large mug of ice cream that I just finished consuming, my day was not spent shoving my face with crackers. It feels so good to have a normal appetite! It's something I took for granted. Never again.
Aside from my blunder of the sweet, creamy, comforting taste of 12 ounces of ice cream (boy that sounds like a lot! but it's only 1.5 cups... only) I took my dog for a walk. My poor 7.5 month old puppy has only gone on about 10 walks. We kept up a good pace, and I made sure we didn't come back home until we had walked for a total of 30 minutes. It was a sweet victory within a dark and gloomy week for me, especially since yesterday was spent in my bed. Eating animal crackers.
Toby on our walk today |
My medicine doesn't seem to be doing its job anymore. My doctor has me at 150mg of Seroquel XR now. The first week of taking 100mg was amazing. It was wonderful being myself again for the first time in nearly 6 years. If anyone is reading this, please pray for me. God is my only hope.
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