Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Today is starting off slow. I mean slooowwwww. Working out does not sound fun. Only at 1 in the morning while browsing Pinterest am I ever motivated to exercise. Even then I say "tomorrow I will start!" Right. My medications don't help with my energy either.

Energy should be surging through my body after 2 cups of coffee. Nope. Nada. Being three o'clock in the afternoon, I should probably climb out of my fluffy brown robe and put on my "working out" outfit. That way, when that 30 second window of "I'm totally going to break a sweat right this instant!" shows up, I'm ready for it.

Changed. I already feel nauseous thinking about working out. Why does it scare me so much? *sigh*. This is my choice. Four minutes of a high-intensity workout. Here I go. Agh!

BOOM. Holy freakin' shitake mushrooms Batman. It was no easier the second time around either (first tried last week). Well... I feel a little better about myself. Maybe I'll take my dog Toby for a walk now. Maybe.

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